Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well.
As I reflect on what blessings mean to me, I find that when we set aside the mind's endless chatter, what remains is the essence of our experiences. Blessings come in many forms, and I have navigated much of life by perceiving every form as a blessing. Each experience, whether pleasant or challenging, serves as a guide for the mind to discover or understand deeper truths. Our direct experiences, both good and bad, are opportunities to delve into self-understanding.
Turning our attention inward allows us to explore the roots of our experiences. This introspective journey is magical and transformative. Sometimes, we may feel stuck, unable to let go, much like being caught in a honeypot. But in those moments, we learn valuable lessons about ourselves.
I hope this message finds you well.
As I reflect on what blessings mean to me, I find that when we set aside the mind's endless chatter, what remains is the essence of our experiences. Blessings come in many forms, and I have navigated much of life by perceiving every form as a blessing. Each experience, whether pleasant or challenging, serves as a guide for the mind to discover or understand deeper truths. Our direct experiences, both good and bad, are opportunities to delve into self-understanding.
Turning our attention inward allows us to explore the roots of our experiences. This introspective journey is magical and transformative. Sometimes, we may feel stuck, unable to let go, much like being caught in a honeypot. But in those moments, we learn valuable lessons about ourselves.

This Fall, I am offering two courses, especially as I will be away for four months on an extensive journey throughout Asia, leading many monks in retracing the footsteps of the Buddha. We will walk, recite the Buddha's words, and reconnect with the sacred roots of the Dharma.
In my absence, I wish to share what I have learned through my various responsibilities and travels. My lived experience has shaped my understanding of the Dharma in profound ways. It is often raw and challenging, especially when leading large projects or sustaining energy in uncertain directions. Sometimes, it can leave you feeling like you got stuck in mud.
In my absence, I wish to share what I have learned through my various responsibilities and travels. My lived experience has shaped my understanding of the Dharma in profound ways. It is often raw and challenging, especially when leading large projects or sustaining energy in uncertain directions. Sometimes, it can leave you feeling like you got stuck in mud.

In my two courses, I will teach you how to bring balance and ease into everyday life and provide tools to break free from the stress epidemic plaguing our workplaces. Burnout rates are reaching alarming levels, and we must address this crisis with practical solutions. We might even imagine transforming our experiences into a wide, vast freedom.

This newsletter marks the last week of our special summer discount offer. I hope you will join me in these transformative courses.
To make it even more accessible, we are offering a special 30% discount on all 100-level courses if you sign up this month. Simply use the coupon code CIRCLE30 at checkout. This offer is valid until the end of the month.
May you see this process of investigation as part of seeing our truth, which ultimately becomes the seeds for blossoming dharma in our lives.
Sending you all good wishes,
Wangmo Dixey
Executive Director
To make it even more accessible, we are offering a special 30% discount on all 100-level courses if you sign up this month. Simply use the coupon code CIRCLE30 at checkout. This offer is valid until the end of the month.
May you see this process of investigation as part of seeing our truth, which ultimately becomes the seeds for blossoming dharma in our lives.
Sending you all good wishes,
Wangmo Dixey
Executive Director

Celebrate Tibet’s wisdom tradition at the 21st Taste & Tribute, an intimate gathering in Berkeley supporting the Tibetan Aid Project. Limited to 60 guests, the evening features an exquisite five-course vegetarian dinner paired with select California wines, Silent and Live Auctions, and the opportunity to support a humanitarian and historic mission. The event is on Sunday, September 22. If you are interested, please reach out to me here.
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Dharma College is an experiential academy for investigating the inner depths of mind and opening to an innate understanding of the treasures and freedom of Being.
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