Support Dharma College
“When you have gone beyond giver and gift and recipient you
have reached compassion.”
We begin with offering the very best to ourselves and if you
can go beyond to help others this is wonderful. For many thousands of years,
the dharma has entered into the culture that it takes root. This is called the
Buddha Sasana. Just as a seed is nourished, your support will enable others to
see for themselves the extraordinary potential of being. We would like to
acknowledge your generosity in making Dharma College a place to explore and
gather for others and begin for the Dharma take root in the West. Your gifts
allow this unfolding through the support of events, scholarships of students
and new ways for wisdom into western culture (even through virtual reality and
application development). For more information contact Wangmo Dixey at 510
809-1526. I’d love to have a conversation with you.
Dharma College is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 non-profit
organization, Tax ID: 23-7072008. Your donations support our ongoing efforts to
put powerful teachings into a secular context for all.
This work not only has the potential to make
individual lives better, it might address our deeper societal ills. Thank you
for helping us both maintain Dharma College’s current offering and explore new
ways to expand what we do. Your donations are fully tax-deductible. We rely on
individuals like you!
Each class averages
$170 so if you would like to support more than one student, you can indicate it
by clicking your amount below
There are several
ways you can make a difference.
Make a Donation

(510) 704-1105