Working for the Urban Professional

Caring for body and mind is key to well-being.


Work can be more than mere livelihood. For the modern professional, it’s a chance to grow and learn more about ourselves. It can be a way to develop positive and healthy relationships. Courses within our Working program area explore the many ways to bring awareness, concentration, and energy to everything we do. You may discover that devoting care to your work helps you appreciate daily life more fully.   Courses within this program area support you in discovering your capacity to go beyond perceived limitations and discover your extraordinary potential of being. Course range from one month intensives to weekly classes, all aimed to bring focus and meaning into the workplace

Addressing employee burnout:

Employers have invested unprecedented resources in employee mental health and well-being. With burnout at all-time highs, leaders wonder if they can make a difference. Our research suggests they can.

Vision is Greater than Sight

What you are able to envision is what you get. Look beyond your eyes to see the possibilities.

Creating A Company Vision

Do you have a vision of where your company will be in three years? In five? 10? Here's a sure-fire way to get clear about the future you want.

2023: The Year of Vision

This article is written for nonprofit organizations, but applies to any mission driven organization seeking to engage others as customers, investors, donors or partners.  Our world is full of seemingly intractable problems.

Reframing employee health

New data from the McKinsey Health Institute’s Global Employee Health Survey finds that employees who have positive work experiences report better holistic health (including physical, mental, social, and spiritual health), are more innovative at work,

Nobody Wants Their Job to Rule Their Lives Anymore

I'm probably being so dramatic and annoying,” a girl says, as tears run from her mascara-ed eyes. “The 9-5 schedule is crazy. How do you have friends? How do you have time for dating? I don't have time for anything, I'm so stressed out.”.........

Wisdom Talk Series

Dharma College helps students of all ages and backgrounds change their mental patterns and create a more positive connection to the world. We offer a unique approach to exploring mind and self, making deeper understanding accessible to all.