Work-Life Balance
Update from the Director this Week
Dear Friends,
Have you ever wondered how to make your professional life as your spiritual path? This class inspires students to take a challenge whether it be a personal or professional challenge and to see our obstacles more clearly.
Once identified we begin to breakthrough our own habits into using our three best friends: awareness, concentration and energy to move into their lives. We see this as a place for skillful means to be embodied and for students to live a richer, more meaningful life which ultimately centers around a work-life balance. Incorporating spiritual principles into one’s work can have various benefits, such as increased awareness, improved focus, and a sense of purpose.
By perceiving work as a spiritual path, individuals may be more motivated to engage fully, find deeper meaning in their tasks, and foster a greater sense of connection with their actions.
Here's your opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards balance, purpose, and personal growth. All it takes is dedicating just 30 minutes of your day to a powerful revisioning process.
"This challenge offers a wealth of everyday nourishing and practical ways to use our daily experiences at work to cultivate energy, awareness and concentration for transformation. The power of stillness is paramount."
Cathleen E., Law Professional
"This Skillful Means Challenge was a real eye opener and a process of deep transformation on how to approach and structure my work life. Bringing awareness to time by observing systematically how I was spending."
Monique F., Artist Visionary
I hope you can join me in our Skillful Means challenge starting this October!
Stay tuned for some more exciting news in our next issue!
With all best wishes,
Wangmo Dixey, Executive Director.
I am also delighted to invite you to an inspiring Wisdom talk series at Dharma College this October 20th by Jeremy Lent, who will share profound insights on "Envisioning an Ecological Civilization." I extend a warm invitation to join us for this hybrid event, with in-person attendance available for those in the Bay Area.
To register for our Wisdom Talk series, kindly click on the link below:
Wisdom Talks Series (October 20th) from 7-9 pm @ Dharma College
Dharma College is an experiential academy for investigating the inner depths of mind and opening to an innate understanding of the treasures and freedom of Being.
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